Woot! This has just been great!! This week has been a lot of fun!! We had a zone Conference this week to say goodbye to President Schwarz...I am going to miss that man a lot. He really was such an example to me. I was able to talk to him for a little while afterwards and get a picture with him. When he is an apostle I can say that I gave that man a hug...like a boss! bahahahaha Either way, the work has been going well down here. We ended up finding a couple more investigators this week! It was way awesome because we just had the impression to go to this Book Drop and pop a Book of Mormon in it...and take out all of the Jehovah Witness stuff because no one needs to read that nonsense ;) When we got there we started looking and this kid starts making some noises with his mouth...Elder Jensen is a pretty dang good beatboxer and so he contacts the guy. By the end of the contact these kids were like "It just feels like you´ve been sent from God"...well duh! So sick! One of the guys just kept talking about how he felt so good inside after he had talked with us and he wanted to be like us etc etc. Loved it. We were able to meet with them again two days later and they kept just talking to us about how much they wanted to know for a fact that God was there. To not have any doubts about what happens after death and such...so we taught the Plan of Salvation...normally you´d want to start with the first lesson but we were impressed to teach that. Ends up that one of the kids had lost his dad when he was young and always wanted to believe that he would see his father again....Seriously?!?! I just about lost it when he started telling us this stuff. The spirit was also so strong and so we just asked him if they noticed a certain feeling in the room...once again the boy goes off about how he just felt so peaceful...the exact same feeling that he had had right after we had met and then left...Oh man, I really hope so badly that we are able to bring this boy and his friends the happiness and truth of the Gospel. I guess we will see how it all goes! My fingers are pretty tired for some reason so I am going to call it quits for this week. I love you all and I hope that you are having a wonderful time! I sure am hahaha
Elder Lee
Elder Lee