Monday, December 30, 2013

Extra letter!

Since our P-Day was taken they're allowing us to hop on throughout the week, I've been able to get on this morning so I wanted to help you with some of the details dad, by the way, I miss you and mom a bunch. I'm not really homesick but looking at the Christmas card made me miss you all quite a bit! So, last night I did 430 push-ups. Not as many as I'd like, I don't think i'm going to get to the record in time but we'll see. I'm in building 5M and we usually have two teachers for every class period. Our classes run from 10:30 to 1:30 then 2:15 to 5:15. After that we have study time until 6:30 and then after dinner until 9. We have personal study in the mornings from 9:10:30. Let's just say we study all day hahaha. I get my exercise in the mornings when we have P.E. and when we get back from planning at 9:30 we change and then we work out until 10:15. We then write in our journals if we have time and then we have lights out at 10:30. It can be a pretty grueling schedule sometimes but you definitely put your shoulder to the wheel when it comes to gospel work. You can be selfish but you end up getting nothing done and it just hurts your progress even more so you end up learning pretty quickly how to let go of things haha. The food is good! Not the best i've ever had but when you eat up to 3 plates for every meal you start to gain the weight. I've gained 14 pounds now, luckily with all of this exercise it's muscle but some of the guys in our group are getting a bit softer than they were in the beginning XD. Elder Kunig and Elder Ostler work out with me every night and it's fun to see their progress. Elder Ostler couldn't do 30 pushups total before and now he's popping out over 300. Choir is great! I've sung in it every single time they've had it. Definitely one of my more favorite memories in the MTC. We don't have any flags in our room but we have German flags in the other rooms. We've been split into four rooms because we have like 17's pretty crazy. :P I loved the package and the hotwheels. Thanks for the great Christmas gifts!! I really appreciate and love them. I got a couple pictures with Stephanie so i'll have to send those when I have time to. I also have ran into Cody McEachren a bunch so it's been great! Elder Fiahlo is a great kid, definitely the hardest guy I've had to deal with in a long time but it's been getting better! Elder Kunig and I have planned some fun activities to do after the mission he's a pretty cool guy, super chill. And dad, he also plays the drums, thought you might like to know that. Danke for being understanding of the German haha we teach our lessons to our Untersuchers with ease now. Of course, they're speaking on our level which is extremely basic but we'll get there. I talked with an Elder from Frankfurt and he started talking to me in German and it was crazy! They speak so fast and I told him that I understood two words in the whole thing, he laughed, smiled, and then told me that that was more than most of the missionaries could do so that cheered me up a bit. He also told me that a lot of the missionaries would end up going out there and they'll just say I don't speak German for quite a while. I'm going to try my best to not be that way. This gospel is so amazing, I really have enjoyed my time here and I'm so excited to be leaving soon! The seventh of January! It's coming up quick!! Love you all so much!!
Elder Lee

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas.

During this Christmas season there are so many things that we have the chance to be thankful for. So many gifts that the lord has given to us and I am so grateful for every single one of them!! I hope that you were all able to take my challenge and that you found it to be an enjoyable experience, if it!! I'm going to write my testimony auf Deutsch. The grammar is terrible because I'm not so good at that...whatsoever, but please bear with me. Google translate might flip on you..haha.

Ich bin so dankbar fur Jesus Christus und Das Evangelium. Jesus Christus hat ein grosse Opfer gehabt. Ich bin so dankbar fur das Suhnopfer. Ich Weiss das wir konnen nicht zu Gott zuruckzukehren ohne das Suhnopfer. Ich Weiss das das Suhnopfer wahr ist. Ich bin so dankbar fur die kenntnis uber das. Ich hofa ich kann besser sein, damit ich kann die besten missionar sein. Jesu Christi gestorban fur uns und ich Weiss das Er liebe uns. Mein Grammatic ist nicht so gut, aber ich Weiss das durch den Geist Ich kann Deutsch sprechen. Ich Weiss das Unser Vater im himmel liebe uns und das Suhnopfer ist im Mittlepunkt das Evangelium. Ich bin so dankbar fur diese Gelegenheit. Ich liebe mein Vater im himmel und Jesus christus so viele. Ich werde mein familie immer liebe, und mein Erloser immer. Ich Weiss das Gott hilfe uns und das er machen der Erlosungsplan fur uns. Durch Untertauchen in das Evanelium wir konnen mehr uber das Evangelium lernen. Wir konnen waxen veil das. Ich liebe ihnen so viele. Is tut mir leid. Mein Zeugnis ist ein bisseon schweck, aber, durch jesu Christi Ich kann schtark becommen. Ich habe ein grosse liebe fur Sie. Ich Werde oft Schrieben. Ich liebe Sie!!
Elder Lee

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Andrew at the MTC!!!

Zach, a guy in Steph, Amy, and Allison's ward works at the MTC doing Phys. Ed. for the missionaries. He has run into both Sister Stephanie Lee and Elder Andrew Lee!!! 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Week 4

Hello Everybody!!
Well this has been a crazy week!! It's been super wonderful though and I have had such a good time!! I've been learning so much!! I've been looking forward to having Steph come in for a while now and I'm excited to see her on campus learning the amazing things that I have had the chance to learn!! Such as keeping tidy, eating to your hearts content, loading up on the Desenex, keeping in shape physically and spiritually, etc etc. At this moment I have gained 11 pounds in my stay here at the MTC!! Don't worry I'm not getting fat...;) German has been coming along well! I'm starting to understand just about everything that my teachers say in class and i'm able to do lessons pretty easily without fumbling around too much. Albeit, the language is very simple, but as long as the spirit is there the lord can do the work that he needs to do. To be the tool that he uses has been such a great blessing!! He works you very hard, and when we get to Germany it will be even harder but there is nothing quite like having the spirit with you so often. My heart constantly feels full and there are thoughts that come to my mind that I know are from the spirit. Steph and Amy are going to love everything about this place!! As long as you keep a positive attitude and are obedient to what they ask you will be blessed. In the first couple weeks I was stressing a ton and I just wanted to fall on my face at times but when you push through it is so amazing!! I did lose a lot more hair during that time...whether to stress or just plain bad genes I'm not too sure ;). I used to take it as a compliment when a girl told me I looked I realize that it's because I have no hair on my head. I've decided that there is less of a barrier between me and the spirit so I'm thankful haha! We had the BYU Men's choir come and sing to us for our Sunday Devotional! It was quite the performance, they're really good at what they do.  We also had Elder Rasband come for our Tuesday Devotional and it was such a great talk. He went over the gift of tongues for a little bit and he told us a story of how he had gone with Elder Nelson to Peru. (Jon should like this story a lot) They were in Peru, though, and Elder Nelson was giving a devotional to 2200 people I believe, including the missionaries. He had talked for about 20-25 minutes and then he said that he had had the distinct impression to begin talking in their native language. I guess Elder Nelson had been educated a little bit in Spanish when he was a lot younger but I think Elder Rasband said that he was 89 years old. Elder Nelson then began to speak in perfect Spanish for another 15 minutes. How crazy is that!?!?!?! Holy cow, the miracles that the lord performs with his servants are incredible!!! I have an insurmountable respect for those men of God. What a blessing it is to be a part of this church!! By the way mom, those goodies you sent have been amazing!! I went through the crackers and cheese really quickly. If you could send like 6 more boxes over with that cheese I wouldn't be complaining ;) bahahaha We've been working hard at everything and I've now been called to be the district leader. It's funny I used to think positions of authority would make you feel a little cocky and stuff but now I realize how humbling they can be. It's been quite the change in my life to just serve others all the time. I'm definitely used to being pretty selfish. I'm grateful for the example that has been set in my life for those who have sacrificed for others. Even things so small as dad giving me the sandwich he made for himself. Such small things that you don't really think about or consider at the time but it's really humbling to see how much I took for granted. I hope that you all are having a blast with Rosie for me!! Continue to help one another. Constantly serve one another. What a blessing it is to do so, I've learned so much and I know that I'm going to learn so much more. When we turn to the Lord he will always be there for us. He suffered such immense pains for us. What a true gift it is to have the atonement and the ability to use that gift in our daily lives. Don't every forget how truly wonderful it is. During this Christmas season I'd like to make a commitment with all of you. (This is the same commitment we were given in our devotional) Write in your journal about some spiritual gifts you've been given. Then go out and share your testimony with one more person than you normally do. You won't regret it!! The spirit of giving is so rewarding. As we take the time to remember Christ this season, remember what he gave for us. It's been so humbling for me to gain the smallest of an idea of what he gave. I will never be able to comprehend the full sacrifice. Not in this life. Jesus Christ created so much and he came in to something so small and gave everything for us. Please please please remember him as much as you possibly can. Mom, thank you especially for all of your letters. I miss your humor and smile dearly. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me and the activities of the Lee household. Dad, thanks for being there even when I was terrible to you. I really am truly sorry and grateful to you. Allison, keep working hard! The lord has your back and he will continue to be there, life may be hard but always remember to take it as an opportunity to show how awesome you really are! Amy, as you prepare for the mission keep being excited! It only will get better I promise!! Jon and Morgan, you both were so great to me when I was down at college. I was over way more than I should have been hahaha thanks for being so kind and always willing to serve one another and others. You've been a great example to me of how I want to be when I am older. Steph, i'll tell you this in person. Know that I love you and I'm so grateful for your decision to be a missionary. Sorry if I seemed too hard on you. I really respect you and you're ideas, you're one smart cookie. Keep at it! Jen, play that cello as often as possible! You have a gift! Be grateful for it, and remember you may not be the best now, but you'll have an eternity of time to develop your talents. Look at the blessings you have each day and you'll start to see how many great things that you have done in your life. Keep up the good work, you've got tons of potential. The more positive you are the more positive your life will become, because you'll see all the miracles that do occur. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Wheeler for your letters, I love them! I miss you both. I miss everyone, and I hope that everyone is having a great time with everything!! 
Ich habe ein zeugnis uber das Evangelium. Ich weiss das die Kirche Jesu Christi wahr ist. Ich weiss das Jesus Christus hat fur uns gestorben. Ich weiss das durch den Heiligen Geist wir konnen das Evangelium wahr ist. Jesus Christus hat liebt fur uns und Ich weiss wir konnen ein himmlischer vater zuruckzukehren. Ich habe ein liebe fur ihnen. Haben sie eine gute Woche!!
Elder Lee
P.S If I spell things wrong I apologize, I can hardly spell in English let alone auf Deutsch XD. I miss you all!!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Week 3

Hey Everyone!!!
This has been a great week so far!! I've been super excited about things and things have been getting a lot better!! I loved the package mom! You're the best mom a son could have. I miss you a ton dad, I hope that things are going well and that Rosie still has a tough hiker to go up the Y with her. I hope that everything is going well for you Allison!! Steph and Amy, I am sooo excited for you to be in the MTC!!! What a great opportunity and experience. You're going to realize that there are plenty of kids in here that's for sure...but there is no better place then a mission to get someone to grow up a little eh? ;) You'll have to be sure to remind them when you get the chance to! We actually had a kid blowing a whistle in the cafeteria tonight. We couldn't find him but it really was embarrassing for a lot of us because it's almost degrading when people disrespect there call as such. I hope that the guy who was has the chance to repent about it and be a better servant of God. I just hope for the best for him. I'm thankful that we have a Heavenly Father that gave us a plan that allows us to have second chances...or a lot more than just a second chance hahaha without this gospel I would be nowhere near where I am today. I'm so grateful for you mom and dad for being solid with our family. Because you I have such comfort in life. Thank you. Jon and Morgan! Thank you so much for your letter! I love you both so much and I'll be honest, that art in the card should be framed and put into a museum because only a real professional could produce something of that quality! Jen, keep playing hard on that cello and jam to some good dubstep tunes for me since I'm not able to!! I love you all so much! Now I have a little...or large story for you all. Hopefully it'll give you a solid picture of this week and how it's gone.
So things have been getting a little bit better with my companion, I wouldn't say that they are perfect but they are better than the normal. He's still making us late to every single activity we go to and i'm thinking that I am going to have to report him to the president again but as a more serious case this round, but aside from that, things have been great! Monday was a pretty normal day, we ended up preparing for the wrong untersucher so we had to prepare a lesson in the five minutes before we went in with ours. It was pretty scrambled and Elder Fiahlo and I kept changing topics. I'd be bearing testimony of one thing and right in the middle he'd ask a question about something completely different. That is one of the things the teachers have tried to work on with us because we tend to not want to work as a companionship :P Classes took it out of me and I still have this lame cough. I have been slowly getting better though and I can tell that the lord is giving me extra energy even when I feel like I have none. I have definitely been pushed to my limits though. I sleep like a baby most of the time now just because my body requires it. I can't help but fall asleep sometimes. I literally will be sitting there and I'll feel my eyes starting to close and then I'll have a pen hitting me in the face from my teacher trying to get me to wake up hahahaha. Yesterday was such a wonderful day though!! The lord blesses his servants I can tell you that right now! We were chastised in the morning by our teachers. I guess someone in our zone said that they were embarrassed to be a missionary because of our confused me because Elder Ostler, King, Fiahlo and I are the best missionaries in our zone and none of us were complaining so we were a bit confused but it was a humbling experience either way and we were all grateful for the boost in motivation to be greater missionaries. (I have always needed a solid bit of humbling hahaha) After that Elder Fiahlo and I had a lesson with our second untersucher, Karl. Elder Fialho seemed really humbled and so we all of the sudden were working extremely well together. We were prepared and when we went in to the room to give him the lesson we started out on the Plan of Salvation. As we were going along we reviewed some things and started talking about it, I then gave the scripture 1 Nephi 17:36. It just basically talks about how the lord created the earth so that it may be possessed by his children, we then went over how we are god's children and we said that god loves us so he has a plan for us, I then asked the untersucher what he thought about his purpose in life. He then started talking about his children and how everything he did in life was for them. He also was worried about them because he felt like they were splitting apart. I then had the distinct impression to give a scripture in 3rd Nephi 18:19-21. on Thursday and we said we would. When we got back into the classroom I had such an amazing feeling of peace and happiness. When my teacher came in he looked at Elder Fiahlo and I and he said "I want you both to know that Karl truly felt the spirit." It was sooo huge to know that!! We  haven't been very successful at all and so to finally have this experience was so huge!! What a blessing it is to have the spirit, I never truly realized how much of an aid it can be and how the gift of tongues is a true blessing. The Lord just requires humility and a little faith and then he opens his blessings for us.
After I gave the schriften Elder Faihlo started talking about a commitment to pray with his family every night. Karl seemed like he wanted to but I could tell that he was a little iffy. He kept saying Ich Versuche aber Beten jeden abend ist schwar. Ich weib is nicht uber jeden abend. (I'll try to pray every night but it's hard. Idk about every night.) I then had another impression come to my mind, it's weird how it just pops into your head. I decided to talk about my family and how we always had trouble praying and how at the time I wasn't very happy with my father for trying to get our family to pray. I then talked about how I realized now how important it was that my dad put in the effort. I love him more for it and I realize now that he was trying and that he wanted the best for me. I then bore testimony that I knew that if he tried to pray with his family, even though they might not be happy about it, that the lord would bless karl and his family and that he would take care of them. I continued to bear testimony that the lord wanted to help karl, all he had to do was ask. I could see that I was saying the right things. The spirit was so strong and it was helping me with everything I needed to say I only had to ask Elder Fiahlo for help on a couple words. I just kept talking and everything was coming together, I was remembering things that I had had such a hard time with in class and I was able to correctly convey those things. Elder Fiahlo added his testimony to mine after that. We finally closed the lesson because Karl had to go to work but he asked us to come back again
 After that Bruder Luna pulled Elder Ostler and King out of the room and we went through some things with our other lehrer. We then all went to lunch when class ended and Elder Ostler looked at me and said that Bruder Luna had pulled them aside to talk about our lesson. I guess that it had been one of the best that he had ever had in the two years that he has been here. It blew me away. I was so grateful for the spirit and that Elder Fiahlo and I had done what we were supposed to. We were immensely blessed for our preparation and and for our humility. It is so difficult not to be frustrated with Elder Fialho but I'm thankful that we were able to have such a successful time together and that we were both able to humble ourselves so that we could work together as a companionship. Later that night we sang for a devotional and we had Quentin L. Cook speak to us. He said that he had heard the Lord's voice and that he knew that this was the true church. He also said that the more faith we have the more success we will have. The spirit was super strong once again. I am so thankful for this opportunity. I could go my whole mission with just yesterday and be happy because I had a complete and full confirmation that everything will be okay. Because the Lord is on our side, I don't like to be a bandwagon man but how can we not side with the winning team?? XD I will be forever grateful for my savior and his sacrifice, the opportunity to be a disciple of Christ, to preach his word and to be a part of this great gospel is an opportunity that I wouldn't pass up for the world. I love the lord with all of my heart and I look forward to being a humble servant of Christ. I know that it will take work and that it will be hard but I realize now that no matter what, if I give it my all then I can be happy because I will know that I did what the lord asked me to do. I always tend to procrastinate and make excuses and it's been a wonderfully enlightening experience, hard albeit, but needed, to become something better. The lord knows how to humble us that's for sure hahaha. I know you all know this scripture well but it's come to be a huge "pick-me-up" out here on the mission. DandC 18:10  "Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God." Our father in Heaven sent his son, Jesus Christ, the son of God, the son that he knew would be perfect, the creator of worlds, to die for me, for you, for all of us. I will be forever in his debt. The atonement of God is real. As we draw nearer unto the lord we are blessed for our faith and our dedication. I have learned that obedience does truly bring blessings...but always remember that strict obedience brings miracles. Every moment in the MTC has brought more knowledge and I know that we get out what we put in. I'm so grateful that the Lord has been so supportive of me and that he's continuously backed me up because it's been hard, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. Many thanks to all of you! I wish I could write all of you specifically but I just don't have enough time. Know that I love you all and every letter and message means the world to me. I miss you all so much and I'm so grateful for all of you. I hope that all of our family has the chance to be together again someday. I can't even begin to describe how great it would be because I care for all of you!! Can't wait until next week! I'll try and write as much as possible!
Elder Lee

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Week 2

Well for another week at the MTC!! It definitely has been a lot more stressful that's for sure hahaha. I'm starting to understand a lot more of the language but i'm still having some troubles speaking it, which is okay!! We've had some really great devotional speakers in the last week!! I got to sing in the choir for Russel M. Nelson so that was an awesome experience!! Elder Fialho has been worse than ever, it's gotten so bad that i've had to talk to my mission president about him. Over it all though, I know that with patience and time things will start to work out. The other day we had a new investigator and it was an absolute disaster!! I think Elder Fialho has made it a goal of his to argue against everything I say, even if I am right. We had Personal Study before our meeting with the untersucher and I had a really successful study. We had planned out before what we were going to study about so I thought that it would be a really successful lesson. I guess Elder Fiahlo has decided to never write anything down in the MTC because instead of studying for our investigator he spent the hour and a half looking up scriptures that would tell me how I shouldn't be writing out any sort of plan and that I'm just supposed to go in there with no notes or anything. So I had to spend the next 30 minutes, for companionship study, listening to Elder Fiahlo rant out of scriptures about how wrong I am. All I did in return was ask what he had studied for Karl. (our untersucher) He just continuously raised his voice and it got to the point where he was yelling at me and saying that i'm always attacking him and that I make it so difficult to ever do anything and that I pressure him too much. You can imagine my confusion, and also how difficult he is making things for me. When we finally had to go teach the lesson we went to the door and Elder Fiahlo completely blanked. He just sat there stuttering...again. I hadn't fully prepared for any greeting because Elder Fiahlo had promised and then told me that he would be the one doing the greeting, ergo, we absolutely failed and I ended up having to say goodbye before we could even get in the door. Walking back to the room was the worst I have ever felt in the MTC. I threw my stuff to the ground because I just couldn't take it, then I picked it up and began studying what I could do for Karl because I didn't know what else to do and I wasn't going to waste any time feeling sorry for myself. Elder Fiahlo just sat in the hallway. I'm finally realizing just how much you can be pushed to your limits here. I've  had to keep working with him but I know that with the lords help I'll be able to make it through this and that Elder Fiahlo will grow up...I hope. 
On a better note, the rest of the time that I've had here has been amazing!! You wouldn't believe how much you can learn if you just set your mind to it and get your hands dirty, so to speak. (They have so much hand sanitizer all over the place I think I won't have any bacteria on my hands for the rest of my life) haha. The language is coming faster than I would've hoped! It's hard not to set your standards high and want to be speaking fluently in six weeks, but one has to remember that we're not supposed to get things that quick...even though we'd like to. I'm thankful that the lord has been helping me along when things get really difficult, he's given me two great companions in my district who are always understanding and help me to keep going no matter what. The spirit that I've felt over the last few days has just been absolutely wonderful. I can't tell you how addicting it has become to feel the spirit so closely so often!! I will be honest that I do miss listening to some dubstep and dancing like a retard, but hey, I've been called as a missionary and I'm just grateful for the opportunity!! Elder Kunig (king) and I have pretty similar senses of humor so we're always cracking jokes to keep the days moving along! Elder Ostler is right there with us though, he's such a funny kid, and he's brilliant!! He voted for Obama's hard to love him there ;) haha just kidding. I'm so excited for P.E on Friday haha I absolutely love P.E we played some basketball and volleyball the other day. I'm starting to get back in the swing of things when it comes to sports so i've been doing some serious work on these elders. Just like a real Lee should hahaha. I'm still going for that pushup record, if I add ten pushups every day i'll make it there easy. Let's hope that my body can do that. I'm continuously eating like a king, physically and spiritually. I'm running out of time though, but I will try and get a couple handwritten letters out to you guys. If anyone wants one send the address and i'll try and write when I have time...which isn't too often...ever, but I wise man makes do with what he has and has a positive attitude about it. So that's what i'm going to do.
I want you guys to know that I have a Zeugnis of das Evangelium. Ich Wieg das das buch mormon wahr ist und die kirche jesu christi wahr ist. Unser Vater im Himmel Liebe sie und Jesu Christi hat fur uns gestort. Ich weib das Jesu Christi erretor ist und durch den heilegen geist wir konnen wollen die warheit. Ich habe ein leib fur alles. Beten always!! With much love from the MTC!! Tschuss!
Your son,
Elder Lee
Oh ya, we did participate in that activity where we packaged all of the food!! We were in the first group of two, they told us that we packaged 176,000 we're the better group ;) hehehe i'm wayyy to competitive!! Oh and on weib the B is not a B but a essette, just so you know. I love you all so much! Keep up the good work, i'm excited to see Steph in here!!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Week 1

Well Hello there guys, 
I hope that things are going super well at the house and that everyone is having a good time!! Thank you so much for all the letters!! They have been great, and have uplifted me a lot, even when they're just a quick message! This MTC experience has been so great!! Super difficult, but i'm loving it! When I left you guys the first day the took me inside and we went through a bunch of small little setup things before we were brought to our room. I'm in building 5M on the second floor in room 235. When I got to my room I ran into two of the guys in my district. Elder Ostler, and Elder King. They're both super awesome and super hilarious, great guys to have around. We then had to drop our stuff grab our notebooks and scriptures and we went straight to class. I walked in and met my companion Elder Fialho, he's from Idaho and is definitely one of the more interesting kids that I've had to deal with in my lifetime. It was super crazy though, we immediately were immersed in Deutsch. I was so surprised because our teacher was just speaking and German to us and I had no idea what he was saying, so he would write on the board for us answers to our questions, but once something was written down, he made sure that we were using it while we were speaking. Let's just say I know how to ask how something is said auf Deutsch really well now. I'm sorry that I haven't been able to write earlier or send any letters but things have just been so crazy busy that I haven't even had time!! It's finally P-Day and we're getting a break from the daily grind of things so i'm finally able to write some letters! The MTC is wonderful and i'm so excited for Steph and Amy! The spirit that is felt her is so profound and just absolutely wonderful!! I have been a little surprised at how much flirting goes on though. My companion will often make us late for things because he seems to think that meeting girls is more important. It's been a difficult run on things with him, but I know that the lord put me here for a reason and so I will continue to work as hard as I can to make things work here. Oh gee, this language training though can take it out of you!! On our third day we had to teach a lesson to an investigator auf Deutsch!! It was quite the experience! Meine Mittarbeiter decided that he just wanted to wing his end of things and so I ended up having to teach the lession alone which really was physically and mentally exhausting. I don't know how to work with him though because I'll say something and he'll disagree with me and then he'll say that we should do exactly what I had said in the first place. It gets extremely confusing but I've learned that it's better to just sit and listen and wait for him to come to the same conclusion instead of trying to force anything. It does feel like a waste of time but at least it lets the spirit stay with me instead of leaving because of contention. I am asking for some tips though, on how to deal with it. Because he's scrapped our lessons twice for some really interesting reasons. I actually was cracking up because he said that he wanted to talk about prayer with the Book of Mormon and i thought it was a great idea, so we prepared the lesson and then halfway through he starts saying that we should be talking about baptism instead of prayer. He tells me he is against planning often and that he feels the best way is to wing it. I'm having trouble knowing what to do, I figure i'm doing the right thing by just listening but I'm still extremely confused, and when we have companionship inventory I do exactly what I'm asked to but he just throws everything I say to the side and then tells me that i'm too difficult to talk to and that I'm always imposing on him. I have kept control but I worry that I am going about things the wrong way with him, I'm not so good at this stuff haha. So I would be happy to hear some suggestions! 
Well, I don't want this to seem like some doomsday letter, but i want you guys to know that I have learned so much. God is real and his son Jesus Christ died for all of us. Even when we are low or when we fall he will always be there to pick us up!! Don't ever forget that sacrifice because he will never forget about any of you! I'm so grateful for this opportunity to serve the lord, what a blessing this gospel has been in my life. I truly have felt his spirit and I know that he is helping me through each day and to do better in all that I do, I wish I could write so much more but i'm running out of time on the computer so really quickly, you guys are all so wonderful, be strong and carry on. Keep practicing that German dad, In Frankfurt their accents for Ich and such is like a cat hissing. So practice on the girls when they decide that they don't want to do their chores and such. Mom, keep your chin up and keep smiling. The lord has great plans for you indeed, your trials are never in vain. Push through and you will be blessed immensely. Allison, keep rocking on those digs of yours and keep your spirit strong. Jon and Morgan, you've got such great attitudes about life and if you continue to work together and love each other you'll be the best parents your kids could ever have. Steph, keep preparing and search for the spirit. Let him guide your steps and always stay away from temptation, even if that's just being angry. It's been crazy how much control i've had to use in the MTC but as I have i've been blessed. Jen, work hard in school and at home. Help mom and dad out in any way you can. It's always easy to be selfish, but it's when we serve others that we truly feel the spirit. Amy, you're a hard worker and a smart girl. Be prepared for the MTC, I don't feel it will be much of a challenge for you. Love your companion and always seek guidance from the lord. Ah gee, this gospel is so wonderful, sorry I got so preachy but I felt I should say it. Love you all, thanks for everything! Talk soon!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Andrew to the MTC!!!

Today we dropped Andrew off at the MTC.
These are all the goodbyes.
...or cry.

Off he goes!!!