Oh ya, we did participate in that activity where we packaged all of the food!! We were in the first group of two, they told us that we packaged 176,000 packages...so we're the better group ;) hehehe i'm wayyy to competitive!! Oh and on weib the B is not a B but a essette, just so you know. I love you all so much! Keep up the good work, i'm excited to see Steph in here!!Elder LeeYour son,I want you guys to know that I have a Zeugnis of das Evangelium. Ich Wieg das das buch mormon wahr ist und die kirche jesu christi wahr ist. Unser Vater im Himmel Liebe sie und Jesu Christi hat fur uns gestort. Ich weib das Jesu Christi erretor ist und durch den heilegen geist wir konnen wollen die warheit. Ich habe ein leib fur alles. Beten always!! With much love from the MTC!! Tschuss!Well for another week at the MTC!! It definitely has been a lot more stressful that's for sure hahaha. I'm starting to understand a lot more of the language but i'm still having some troubles speaking it, which is okay!! We've had some really great devotional speakers in the last week!! I got to sing in the choir for Russel M. Nelson so that was an awesome experience!! Elder Fialho has been worse than ever, it's gotten so bad that i've had to talk to my mission president about him. Over it all though, I know that with patience and time things will start to work out. The other day we had a new investigator and it was an absolute disaster!! I think Elder Fialho has made it a goal of his to argue against everything I say, even if I am right. We had Personal Study before our meeting with the untersucher and I had a really successful study. We had planned out before what we were going to study about so I thought that it would be a really successful lesson. I guess Elder Fiahlo has decided to never write anything down in the MTC because instead of studying for our investigator he spent the hour and a half looking up scriptures that would tell me how I shouldn't be writing out any sort of plan and that I'm just supposed to go in there with no notes or anything. So I had to spend the next 30 minutes, for companionship study, listening to Elder Fiahlo rant out of scriptures about how wrong I am. All I did in return was ask what he had studied for Karl. (our untersucher) He just continuously raised his voice and it got to the point where he was yelling at me and saying that i'm always attacking him and that I make it so difficult to ever do anything and that I pressure him too much. You can imagine my confusion, and also how difficult he is making things for me. When we finally had to go teach the lesson we went to the door and Elder Fiahlo completely blanked. He just sat there stuttering...again. I hadn't fully prepared for any greeting because Elder Fiahlo had promised and then told me that he would be the one doing the greeting, ergo, we absolutely failed and I ended up having to say goodbye before we could even get in the door. Walking back to the room was the worst I have ever felt in the MTC. I threw my stuff to the ground because I just couldn't take it, then I picked it up and began studying what I could do for Karl because I didn't know what else to do and I wasn't going to waste any time feeling sorry for myself. Elder Fiahlo just sat in the hallway. I'm finally realizing just how much you can be pushed to your limits here. I've had to keep working with him but I know that with the lords help I'll be able to make it through this and that Elder Fiahlo will grow up...I hope.On a better note, the rest of the time that I've had here has been amazing!! You wouldn't believe how much you can learn if you just set your mind to it and get your hands dirty, so to speak. (They have so much hand sanitizer all over the place I think I won't have any bacteria on my hands for the rest of my life) haha. The language is coming faster than I would've hoped! It's hard not to set your standards high and want to be speaking fluently in six weeks, but one has to remember that we're not supposed to get things that quick...even though we'd like to. I'm thankful that the lord has been helping me along when things get really difficult, he's given me two great companions in my district who are always understanding and help me to keep going no matter what. The spirit that I've felt over the last few days has just been absolutely wonderful. I can't tell you how addicting it has become to feel the spirit so closely so often!! I will be honest that I do miss listening to some dubstep and dancing like a retard, but hey, I've been called as a missionary and I'm just grateful for the opportunity!! Elder Kunig (king) and I have pretty similar senses of humor so we're always cracking jokes to keep the days moving along! Elder Ostler is right there with us though, he's such a funny kid, and he's brilliant!! He voted for Obama though...it's hard to love him there ;) haha just kidding. I'm so excited for P.E on Friday haha I absolutely love P.E we played some basketball and volleyball the other day. I'm starting to get back in the swing of things when it comes to sports so i've been doing some serious work on these elders. Just like a real Lee should hahaha. I'm still going for that pushup record, if I add ten pushups every day i'll make it there easy. Let's hope that my body can do that. I'm continuously eating like a king, physically and spiritually. I'm running out of time though, but I will try and get a couple handwritten letters out to you guys. If anyone wants one send the address and i'll try and write when I have time...which isn't too often...ever, but I wise man makes do with what he has and has a positive attitude about it. So that's what i'm going to do.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Week 2
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