Monday, August 25, 2014


Good name Kennedy, even better experience. Kennedy is one of the investigators that my new companionship has. It´s pretty legit because he is really a very smart individual from Nigeria and he is well versed in the Bible. Ends up that we were able to set a baptismal date with him this last Sunday! We´re pretty pumped about it. We then have another investigator named Happy that we will be setting a date with as well so cross your fingers! We´re going to be getting some baptisms next transfer hopefully!! Other than that the work has been going well like always. Working hard has really given us the blessings that the Lord has promised we will receive. There still is a lot more that we can be doing and so we are working every single day to improve but things are definitely looking up and I love it! It´s great to see how the Lord has been hastening his work. It also is pretty interesting to see how the Devil is working even harder to make sure that we aren´t successful. Make sure you all are reading in your scriptures every day and that you are praying!! I hope that you all are having a very successful week!! I love you all!!

So here is some tasty food that we had, Elder Pearson and I the town of Bruchsal, and some other random stuff as well.

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