Well everybody, I am now in Germany!! It has been so crazy awesome!! I love it! The trip out was a bit grueling, I won't lie there. I sat by a lady on the plane ride to Houston and we talked for a long time about the church and stuff. She seemed really interested so I hope I planted a seed. That or she's just already mormon...I could see that being true to XD. I was so sad that I didn't get to talk with you for a very long time mom. It broke my heart a little bit to have to say goodbye but no matter what it was so wonderful to hear your voice and I am so grateful that I was given the opportunity to hear just that. Dad, I miss you a ton! We definitely have some golf tournaments going down when I get back. Keep Rosie in top shape, she's going to have to come along! When we got on the plane to Frankfurt I was really excited. We ended up having a Russian lady following us around because she didn't know the area too well so we talked for a bit over that. I also was able to talk to a couple of people that knew missionaries or who had served a mission in Frankfurt so that was great! I met a man from Florida on the flight out to Frankfurt. His name was Judge and he had recently been divorced. We talked for a while about business and stuff and then when we were getting off I was able to talk to him about checking out LDS.org and Mormon.org. He said that he was going to check it out and he thanked me for my time. After that we picked up our bags at the baggage claim and then we walked out. President Schwarz, his wife, and some missionaries were there. It was a great welcome! They were all so excited and they were hugging everybody and it was just a really great time! I then volunteered with Elder Fialho to go with President Schwarz in his car and we went to the mission home and then the mission office. We met everyone in the office and then we had our interviews. After that I went out to my first appoinment with some of the missionaries in Frankfurt. It was a wonderful time, everyone builds each other up here and it really is such an amazing enviroment. We then had dinner at the presidents house and my first dinner in Deutschland was amazing! I can't remember what it was called, I was just too excited to eat!! We also met our trainers and then to make a long story short we ended up at the temple house where we stayed the night. We woke up, had breakfast and then went across the street to the chapel. We then talked for a while and President Schwarz came and talked with us. I don't have much time so i'll just say that I ended up being called to Darmstadt!!!
My companion is named Elder Bruneel and then I found out I would also be with Elder Bonzo, so we are in a trio. We then went to the train station, hahaha ends up we took a wrong turn so we ended up on a street for strippers so we all put our heads down and our driver was like "I am not looking to the side! I am not looking to the side!" hahaha it was funny! At the station we all met up with everyone and it was a great time. So much love between everyone it is absolutely amazing!! We then took the train out and arrived at our apartment. I am taking too much time but in the next couple of days we have been incredibly busy. My companions know how to work and so we haven't been stopping at all. I ended up talking to a German man for 20 minutes on my first day...it was pretty nervewracking at first but it slowly got easier. We also had another man just walk up to us and ask us who we were when we were going to get dinner. By the way, it was a Düner. Probably the tastiest meal I have had in a very long time. Holy cow they are sooooo goood!! It really has been such a neat experience. As my conifdence has grown I've been trying to talk to more people. I've actually been having solid conversations with people and my companions have been saying that that doesn't happen often at all with someone who has been here for so short of a time so it really has helped me with my fears of approaching people. I know the lord is behind it though. The spirit I feel daily is amazing.
As we serve the lord and become, and are willing, to be instruments in his hands he uses us to fulfill his purposes. I didn't realiye just how much he does this until I experienced it with talking to people and having everything that I needed to say come into my head when I needed it. We also had an amazing appointment with one of our investigators that we've gotten last night. His name is AJ and I swear he would be considered the Golden Investigator. Everything that we talked about just went the best way that it could have gone and the spirit was so strong in that home. I then contacted a couple people on the way back home, got a number and was able to give out a card so that went really well! Yesterday was just great in general. We ended up being really early for church and so we waited in the square for our bus where we usually wait. We call the statue big louis but the square is called Louisenplatz...I probably spelled that totally wrong but oh well haha. We were waiting and Elder
Bruneel ended up going and talking with a couple people so I decided that I would go see if I could convert some pigeons. I feel like sometimes I am a bit overbearing because the all ran away from me. Ah well. ;D I love you all and miss you so much!!! Make sure that you are doing your best to participate in member missionary work. I didn't realize just how vital it can be to the missionaries. Keep your testimonies strong! Mine has been strengthened so much already and I have been so grateful to have that spirit with me so often. I swear it is more addicting than any type of food! Keep the Lord close, he loves all of you so much and he has great things waiting for you in life. I love and miss you all. I will be sure to write a couple handwritten letters so that you can hear from me a little more often.
With much love your son, brother, friend,My companion is named Elder Bruneel and then I found out I would also be with Elder Bonzo, so we are in a trio. We then went to the train station, hahaha ends up we took a wrong turn so we ended up on a street for strippers so we all put our heads down and our driver was like "I am not looking to the side! I am not looking to the side!" hahaha it was funny! At the station we all met up with everyone and it was a great time. So much love between everyone it is absolutely amazing!! We then took the train out and arrived at our apartment. I am taking too much time but in the next couple of days we have been incredibly busy. My companions know how to work and so we haven't been stopping at all. I ended up talking to a German man for 20 minutes on my first day...it was pretty nervewracking at first but it slowly got easier. We also had another man just walk up to us and ask us who we were when we were going to get dinner. By the way, it was a Düner. Probably the tastiest meal I have had in a very long time. Holy cow they are sooooo goood!! It really has been such a neat experience. As my conifdence has grown I've been trying to talk to more people. I've actually been having solid conversations with people and my companions have been saying that that doesn't happen often at all with someone who has been here for so short of a time so it really has helped me with my fears of approaching people. I know the lord is behind it though. The spirit I feel daily is amazing.
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