Hey Everybody!!
So I believe it's week 6...or it might be week seven...the time is flying by!! I now have gained 18 pounds in the MTC...Don't worry I'm not fat at all, I've gained a lot of muscle! My cheeks are definitely a little larger than they used to be though...hahaha! This week has definitely been an exciting one! Christmas was such a blast! I got your package and I definitely enjoyed all of the wonderful gifts I got, I made sure to take pictures so I'll be sure to send those your way when we figure out how to do it on these new computers that they have put up. For some reason they don't work very well and it's pretty annoying but ah well, what can you do. Christmas Eve was a great time! We were able to listen to Brother and Sister Evans from the seventy and they had a really great talk. Then on Wednesday, we were able to write for a little bit and later on in the day we got to have Elder Bednar come speak to us. It was a really wonderful experience. He passed out 200 cell phones to all the missionaries and we'd pass them around and text our question to his i-pad. He'd then answer the questions that he felt were important at the time I guess. There were some really great questions that really helped me with a lot of my worries. I love it how I am able to learn something new every day, it has been keeping life plenty exciting for me!! I feel like an old man sometimes though, I'm getting more and more tired every day. There is just so much to be getting done, the wonderful thing is that I somehow always have enough energy to get everything done that I need to get done and I know that that has definitely been a blessing. The language is coming along well. Not as well as I'd like but I'm going to continue working at it. I don't know how I ever passed English though, not going to lie. They talk about Past Participles and I feel like it's a completely foreign language in itself. XD Probably the most embarrassing moment for me but hey we're here to learn and I am definitely learning. Course, we have definitely had our moments so I guess it's okay. We ended up drinking a bunch of Martinellis soda last night for new years eve.
We decided to live life on the edge a little bit and down the whole thing in one gulp hahaha gotta love the life of a missionary ;) Sadly, we we had to be in bed by ten thirty but hey, we receive blessings for doing the things that we are asked to do! Our lessons with the untersuchers are going really well. Elder Fiahlo has definitely started to turn things around and we're becoming really successful. He's a smart kid and I'm sure if he continues to try hard he will be really successful. I don't know if I have told you yet but we live on the second floor of 5M. We somehow ended up getting a bouncy ball and played soccer in the hallway haha it was way too much fun!!
We didn't play for too long because there are plenty of things that we have to get done but it was definitely worth it. Helps you relax big time. I have to take off now because I have to get my laundry but I want you all to know that I do have a testimony of the truthfulness of this gospel. Ich weiss das das Suhnopfer is im Mittelpunkt das Evangelium. Der Heiligen Geist sprechen mit uns und wir haben so viele tinga to be grateful for. I have to hurry so i'm going to type in English...I want you all to remember that the Lord loves each and every one of you. Read in Luke 7 about the parable of the woman who washes Jesus's feet. I'll have to send you the reasons as to why it's so amazing when I am able to get back on. I'll be sending some pictures as well. So Expect another letter from me today!! Love you all! Talk soon!!
Elder Lee
Everyone received ties from Elder Johnston's mom. |
Elder Lee's version of the Sermon on the Mount. |
Christmas from the familia. |
Ringing in the New Year with SPARKLING CIDER. |
Elder and Sister Lee saw each other on Christmas!!! |
Elder Kunig |
Elder Ostler |
Elder Fihalo (Elder Lee's companion) |
Elder Lee |
Merry Christmas!!! |
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