Oh gee, I can´t even contain it right now bahaha so legit! I´ve got myself a nephew!!! So I am just going to spend this entire letter talking about it and what I am going to do with him!!............................................................................Sweet. Mission accomplished. Remember, each dot is at least a page of material. I just had to do some serious editing because let´s be honest, it was all way to awesome for you all to handle. ;) Either way, I am hoping that you are doing well Morgan and Jon and that you´re recovering quickly and that little Travis is as well!!! This week definitely was a little bit harder than usual...but I think the Lord decided that my head needed some serious deflating. So after probably ten dropped appointments and the loss of most of our potentials I am thinking that starting from ground zero is a place I will become well acquainted with. For which I am grateful, no better thing to be practiced in then starting something eh? Either way, the new comp is awesome! We have been getting along really well and we´re both excited to just keep at things out here in good ol Darmstadt! We had a rollercoaster of a ride this week that´s for sure but I have had the great opportunity to read in Jesus the Christ and can I just say that that book is legit! Holy cow, I absolutely love that book. There is so much awesome information in there. I also learned a really cool memorization technique that I am going to be trying out so hopefully that helps me out with my memory since it´s pretty terrible no lie. We did have a really successful appointment this week with Andreas though. He´s one of the less actives but he normally just doesn´t want anything to do with the church but our last appointment with him we brought our guitars so that we could play and we ended up spending most of the time talking about the gospel and he really says that he wants to come to church he just doens´t want to come looking terrible and since he is sick really often he gets embarrassed but he really wants his wife to convert and get on the straight and narrow....full 180 from anything I have ever seen in that man. Totally blew my mind!! I have been praying so hard for him and I feel that he is finally softening his heart. I hope so badly that we can reactivate him because this gospel really would help him so much in his life!! Well, I have to take off a little bit earlier than normal today we´re doing a little activity so we´ve gotta go do some prep but I have to say that I love you all and you´re still continuously in my prayers. What a sweet thing prayers are eh? Good stuff. Can´t get enough of it these days! Have a great week everyone and keep having fun wherever you´re at!
Elder Lee
Elder Lee
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