Well, in the last week or two I have realized two things...1. Easter can be such an awesome time!! 2. I am starting to get a little bit more fat on my body than I had originally planned....I can straight up say that I have become addicted to chocolate. And the members are always more than happy to give you most of theirs, which makes it so that I have a ton of free chocolate that I "must" eat. I continue to remember Jen´s distinct quote that those with some extra fat got that extra "love" ;) I think by the end of my mission if I keep it up at this rate I am going to be full of a whole lot of love. I mean, just my stomach right now has enough rolls I could start a bakery out here!! Maybe even start a candybar line called Chunk A´ Dunk...I´m gonna be rich. I can see it now. Other than that, these last couple of weeks have also been incredibly hard and super awesome at the same time. Because of the Easter Holiday everyone has just taken off...and I mean everyone. All of our regular weekly appointments fell out, any other appointments we had then cancelled on us and we were ending up doing a lot more finding than we had originally planned. Which was defnitely great! There is nothing quite like going up to someone and trying to speak to them in a language that you don´t know all to well. It´s even funnier when you go up and don´t rely on the spirit and Blah blah blah is the only phrase that your mouth can come up with. We still were able to find two new investigators though and this week we have been able to meet with tons of people already!! We actually just had an investigator appointment with a Muslim yesterday and it really was so great but at the same time it hit me really hard how different their Culture is. As we were talking with Muhhammed he said that he really wanted to get baptized and wanted to do what was necessary to become a part of this church.

He then apologized for talking so quietly on the phone before our appt and I was a little confused because I didn´t think it was that important but he then explained how he has to hide from his friend because if he ends up converting to the church and he goes back home and his family finds out he will be killed. It really was a shock to me. I have known that those things can happen but it never really hit me until that moment. I don´t know what to do, but he wants to keep learning and so we will keep teaching him. Nobody should be kept from the truth. Nobody. I definitely have also realized that I need to open my mouth a lot more than I have lately. I talk to lots of people but I definitely could be talking to more and so my goal is to do just that haha so keep me in your prayers when it comes to have the courage to get out of my comfort zone just that extra bit more. Other than that I have been learning some church songs on the guitar to use with our inactive Andreas and we also are going to be going and playing in the square and singing for a contacting activity. I´m super pumped!! Gotta make sure to get everything down though, I tend to get nervous still XD Guess that will never go away. We have had some really exciting things going down though and so I am super pumped! I have been trying so hard to keep on top of things lately since I took over the area but it´s been going really great and now things are running smooth like a well oiled machine and Elder Heil and I are just tearin´ it up!! I love you all so much and I miss you all so much as well. I hope that this Easter
Sunday went well and that you were able to feel the joy and spirit of this gospel and also of Christ!! I wish you well and I am sorry that I didn´t write more but I am in a bit of a rush!! With much love from Germany!!!
Elder Lee
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